Wikiwoop Documentations

WoopChain Request for Comment (WRC)

WRC stands for WoopChain Request for Comment. Similar to Ethereum's ERC standards, WRCs are technical standards used by developers working on the WoopChain blockchain. WRC standards are crucial for ensuring that various projects and software built on WoopChain are compatible and can interact seamlessly. They include token standards, name registries, library/package formats, and more.

Key WRC Standards

Here are some examples of what WRC standards might encompass, tailored specifically for the WoopChain ecosystem:

  1. WRC-20 (Token Standard)
    • WRC-20 is a fundamental token standard on WoopChain for fungible tokens, similar to Ethereum’s ERC-20. It defines a common set of rules that tokens on WoopChain must follow, allowing them to be traded, transferred, and recognized across various platforms and wallets within the WoopChain ecosystem.

  2. WRC-721 (Non-Fungible Token Standard)
    • WRC-721 establishes a standard for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on WoopChain. This standard allows developers to issue unique, indivisible tokens that can represent ownership of specific assets. These tokens are critical for markets such as digital collectibles, art, and other unique digital assets.

  3. WRC-1155 (Multi Token Standard)
    • Inspired by ERC-1155, WRC-1155 on WoopChain enables a smart contract to govern both fungible and non-fungible tokens. This flexibility is especially advantageous for applications that require multiple token types, such as gaming platforms or complex decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystems.

Process of Creating a WRC

The process for establishing a new WRC standard involves several key steps:

  1. Proposal Drafting: A developer drafts a WRC proposal detailing the purpose, specifications, and potential applications of the standard. This draft should align with the formatting guidelines provided by the WoopChain community.

  2. WRC Submission: The proposal is submitted as a WoopChain Improvement Proposal (WIP). Like Ethereum’s EIPs, WIPs can be Standard Track, Informational, or Meta, depending on their scope and impact.

  3. Community Discussion and Review: The WRC undergoes discussion and scrutiny within the WoopChain community. This period allows for feedback, which may lead to revisions or enhancements of the proposal based on community input.

  4. Acceptance or Rejection: The proposal may be accepted if it garners sufficient support and is deemed to provide significant benefits to the WoopChain ecosystem. If accepted, it becomes part of the official WRC standards. Proposals that do not gain enough support can be rejected or remain in draft status.

Importance of WRC’s

WRC standards play a critical role in the WoopChain ecosystem by:

  • Ensuring Interoperability: By adhering to common standards, various applications and projects within WoopChain can interact seamlessly, share resources, and integrate more effectively.

  • Enhancing Developer Efficiency: Developers can build on prior work, leveraging standardized processes and codebases, which accelerates development and reduces redundancy.

  • Fostering Innovation: With a solid foundation of standards, developers can innovate on top of established protocols without reinventing basic functionalities, leading to more robust and inventive solutions.


WRCs are instrumental in shaping the development landscape of the WoopChain blockchain, ensuring that it remains a versatile and user-friendly platform for a wide range of applications.
