Wikiwoop Documentations

WoopChain Community Governance

Introduction to Community-Driven Governance: WoopChain emphasizes that effective governance is crucial across industries. Unlike traditional centralized networks, WoopChain leverages its decentralized nature to entrust governance to its community, ensuring that the WoopChain network and Wikiwoop Social App evolve through collaborative efforts.

  1. Benefits of Distributed WoopCoin:
    • Enhanced Voting Rights: As WoopCoin is distributed, community members gain significant voting rights, directly influencing the platform’s development and operational decisions.

    • Scalability and Innovation: Community governance allows WoopChain to innovate and scale efficiently, adapting to both user needs and technological advancements.

  2. Governance Model:
    • Decentralized Decision-Making: No decision within the network is finalized without securing at least 51% of community votes; ensuring decisions reflect the majority’s viewpoint.

    • Operational Transparency: The governance process is designed to be transparent, fostering trust and active participation from the community.

  3. Voting Rights Explained:
    • Network and Community Votes: Members influence significant aspects of both the network and social community through their votes.

    • Decentralized Moderation: Actions such as account suspensions or content removal are subject to community approval, with a requirement of 51% vote in favor of any action to be implemented.

  4. Community Engagement:
    • Encouragement to Participate: Members are encouraged to actively use their WoopCoin for voting to shape the governance of the platform, highlighting the importance of each vote.


Engage with WoopChain’s community governance to help steer the future of the network. Your vote matters in making WoopChain a robust, scalable, and user-centric platform.
