Wikiwoop Documentations

Overview of WoopCoin (WOC)

WoopCoin (WOC) is the native cryptocurrency of the WoopChain network. It plays a central role in the functionality and economy of the WoopChain, driving various blockchain operations and governance.

  1. Here's a detailed breakdown:
    • Maximum Supply: The total supply of WoopCoin is capped at 100 billion coins, ensuring a predictable inflation rate and helping to maintain value over time.

    • Premine: 15 billion coins, representing 15% of the total supply, were premined. This stock is allocated for initial operational costs such as development, marketing, community initiatives, and strategic partnerships. Premining also helps in securing the network's initial stability and funding ongoing development.

    • Mining Dynamics: Unlike traditional mining, WoopCoin uses a proof-of-stake mechanism, which allows coin holders to stake their coins to support network operations and security. This method is more energy-efficient than proof-of-work systems.

    • Block Reward: Each block mined on the WoopChain generates 60 WoopCoins. Incentivizing validators to maintain network integrity and participate actively in processing transactions and securing the ledger.

    • Halving Schedule: The block reward halving occurs every four years, analogous to Bitcoin. This event reduces the reward for mining new blocks by half, which not only controls inflation but also prolongs the mining incentive, potentially affecting the coin's market value. The anticipation of halving can influence economic dynamics within the WoopChain ecosystem.

  2. Enhanced Description of WoopToken (WOT)
    • Functionality: WoopToken serves as a bridge that enables WoopCoin to interact with other blockchain ecosystems. This wrapped version enhances liquidity and usability, making WoopCoin more accessible for various decentralized finance (DeFi) applications.

    • Interoperability: The conversion of WoopCoin into WoopToken (WOT) facilitates its use across diverse blockchain platforms, ensuring users can leverage WoopCoin's value beyond the WoopChain network. This feature is crucial for users looking to interact with multiple blockchains seamlessly.

  3. Expanded Utility and Use Cases
    • Economic Role: WoopCoin is essential for managing transaction fees which are used to reward validators. These fees help secure the network and align stakeholders' interests with the network's longevity and success.

    • Governance Participation: Ownership of WoopCoin grants users voting rights in the governance of the network, allowing them to influence key decisions regarding the blockchain's development and policy adjustments. This feature is vital for maintaining a decentralized and community-driven approach to network governance.

    • Staking Rewards: Staking WoopCoin not only supports network operations but also rewards participants with additional WoopCoins, fostering a more secure and robust network infrastructure.

    • DeFi Integration: WoopCoin's integration into various DeFi applications allows it to be used for lending, borrowing, and yield farming, providing financial services without central intermediaries.


WoopCoin, along with WoopToken, plays a pivotal role in underpinning the economic and operational aspects of the WoopChain. By facilitating transactions, enabling governance, and allowing extensive participation in DeFi, WoopCoin is positioned as a central element in the expansion and functionality of its native blockchain ecosystem. These characteristics make WoopChain a versatile and dynamic platform in the evolving landscape of blockchain technologies.
